Legal Notice

Managing Director Jan Stronczynski
Authorised Signatory Daniel Thon

Court of Registration:
Bonn District Court

Registration number:
HRB 16090

VAT identification number pursuant to § 27a of the Value Added Tax Act:

Approval for commercial passenger transport according to § 49 PbefG. Regulatory authority of the city of Bonn, road traffic authority, Stadthaus, 53111 Bonn

Person responsible for content pursuant to Section 55 paragraph 2 of the Interstate Convention on Media Services (MDStV):
Jan Stronczynski
Premium-Drive GmbH
Rheinaustrasse 81
53225 Bonn, Germany

Platform of the European Commission for online dispute resolution for consumers:
We are not prepared nor obliged to participate in dispute resolution proceedings before a consumer arbitration board.


The content of this site has been carefully prepared and checked. Jan Stronczynski accepts no liability for the validity, correctness, completeness or quality of information provided. Liability claims made against Jan Stronczynski which relate to loss of goodwill or material damage caused by the usage or non-usage of the featured information, or through the use of incorrect or incomplete information are fundamentally excluded, unless it can be demonstrated that Stronczynski acted wilfully or was grossly negligent. Jan Stronczynski expressly reserves the right to change part or all of this site without separate notice, or to amend, delete or cease publication temporarily or permanently.

Insofar as Jan Stronczynski provides links to other internet websites directly or indirectly, Jan Stronczynski shall only be liable if they had precise knowledge of the contents, and if it would have been technically possible and reasonable to prevent use of any unlawful contents.  Jan Stronczynski declares explicitly herewith that at the time of the creation of the links, the pages being linked to contained no illegal content. Jan Stronczynski has no influence on the current and future design of the linked sites. Therefore, they distance themselves expressly from all third-party content of linked sites which were changed after the link was created. This also applies to external entries in guest books, discussion forums, and mailing lists set up by Jan Stronczynski. They are not responsible for the content, availability and accuracy of the linked sites, its offers, links or advertisements. They are not liable for illegal, inaccurate or incomplete content, in particular not for damages which arise as a result of the use or non-use of information provided on these linked sites.

Jan Stronczynski endeavours to comply with applicable copyright law in all publications. Should nevertheless a copyright infringement occur, Jan Stronczynski, after having been informed of this, will remove the relevant object from their publication or identify it with the relevant copyright. All protected marks and trademarks referred to within the Internet offer, which are possibly protected by third-party rights, are subject solely to the provisions of the law applicable in each case regarding identification and proprietary rights of the registered proprietor in each case. It is not to be assumed that because a brand name is mentioned, it is not legally protected by a third party. The copyright of content belonging to Jan Stronczynski is the exclusive property of Jan Stronczynski. Reproduction of such graphics, sounds or text in other electronic or printed publications is not permitted without their express consent.

Our General Terms and Conditions apply.

04 Standorte

in Deutschland

2006 - 2023

Premium-Drive Erfahrung


deutschlandweit der erste Chauffeurservice